DHRA 2017 Community Grant Application to City of Melbourne successful – and other news.

Drill Hall Residents Association’s application for a City of Melbourne Community Grant has been successful.

So for the third year running, we have been awarded $3000.00 for our activities. This is an exceptional result, because normally such grants are only repeated over two years.

It will be spent on meeting spaces, refreshments at meetings, community garden equipment etc.

Secondly;  HCA has agreed to:

1) External window cleaning at Therry Street to be carried out in Mid-January 2017.

2) A pest control company to attend every quarter to treat all common areas (bin room and front foyer included) for preventative cockroach/pest treatment.

DHRA has been in conversation with  Hon. Ellen Sandell, our local State Member of Parliament who has agreed to make representations on our behalf where appropriate. We owe Ellen our thanks.

We recently had a visit to the garden from Councillors Cathy Oke and MIchael Caiafa who were impressed with the progress.