DHRA Notice Archive

March 19, 2017

No news on lift controls yet. This is frustrating, just when we thought lifts were working properly. A resident was trapped inside one lift only a couple of weeks ago.

This latest incident demonstrates the need for HCA to more regularly engage and consult with residents as is mandated by the Housing Registrar.
Another example, is the pest management system. We got HCA to install regular monitoring by a pest company, but it also requires regular involvement of residents to encourage and coordinate reporting.

We get far more cooperation from the City of Melbourne.

And there is the now annual inspections, which replaced the six monthly system, only after we made it clear we would complain to the Housing Registrar because of lack of consultation. HCA reconsidered and we had several successful meetings to resolve the matter. Its been successful, but we still need a system of regular monitoring and feedback between residents and HCA to fine tune it and keep it working.

We have sent a letter to Roberta Buchanan , General Manager HCA outlining these concerns and at the next residents meeting, on Tuesday April 4th, we can start putting some ideas together about developing a good working system of resident engagement in the issues that concern them 24/7 in the building.

It is simply not good enough to react to problems on a one off basis; there has to be a regular approach which involves all parties.