Inaugural meeting minutes of Victoria Square Precinct Committee



Minutes August 14th (Inaugural) Meeting

Meeting Type:   Drill Hall Community Steering Committee

Location:             White Room, The Multicultural Hub

Date:                    14 August 2013

Time:                    11am – 12pm

1. Welcome attendance and apologies:

Present:  Drill Hall Resident Association (DHRA): Martin Mulvihill  (President)

Mark Brown

Housing Choices Australia (HCA):           Jamie Hutchinson (Community Development Officer)

Central City Community Health Service (Doutta Galla)(CCCHS): Russ Sevior

                                                       (General Manager, Oral Health & Complex Needs Program)

Multi-Cultural Hub (MCH):                      Amrit Kaur (Community Engagement Officer)

Maria Tsopanis (Manager, Community and Volunteering)

City of Melbourne Council (MCC):         Barney? (Cultural Diversity Officer)

Apologies:  Nil.

2. Objectives of the Steering Committee

Martin provided an overview of the objectives of the committee which has been developed to benefit those living in, or with an interest in the Drill Hall community.

Each member of the committee introduced themselves and provided an insight into their respective roles and explained how they think the committee can operate successfully.

3. Topics for discussion:

1.   Use of the Triangle space:

The following points were raised:

·      Russ advised the Senior Leadership Forum (that Russ is part of) had proposed that the space be used for a memorial to the homeless. This proposal is currently with the City of Melbourne.

·      Martin indicated that the residents of Drill Hall would be interested in using the space for a community garden, which may include a communal BBQ for residents.

·      Barney advised that currently this is a passive space and highlighted that a community garden does not just mean vegetables. He also indicated the MCC are in the process for developing a community garden policy which may be of assistance for such projects.

·      Jamie indicated that HCA were supportive of a community garden/memorial that could be used for both purposes. Maria of the Multicultural Hub also indicated the same.

·      All parties discussed the current use of space by the homeless and the effect changes could have

·      Barney indicated that best people from MCC to talk to about a combined proposal for the area would be the Park Planners.


·        Barney to provide contact details to Russ and Martin of the correct contact people in the MCC.

·        Barney to investigate taking the chains down from the space to encourage use.

2.   Activation of the Elizabeth Street Forecourt:

The following points were raised:

·      Maria and Amrit discussed their aim to create a vibrant atmosphere in front of the Hub.

·      They indicated the Multicultural Hub will conduct a pilot program in October and conduct an activity out the front. This could be an arts performance, or cooking activity.

·      It was suggested that the activity coincide with the Wednesday Night Market, or on market days.

·      Russ indicated that the Central City Community Health Service may be able to provide services to discuss healthy eating.

·      Barney indicated that it would be beneficial to obtain the support of the hairdresser and Korean grocery for such community projects.

·      Barney also indicated that the Hub should investigate the possibility of obtaining permits from the MCC for such activities to broaden the possibility of events.

·      Martin indicated that the DHRA would welcome the opportunity to work with the Hub for the project

·      Jamie indicated HCA would also assist were possible.

3.    Involvement of Indigenous residents

Martin indicated that there are a number of indigenous residents in the Drill Hall and would like to find a way for them to engage in the community. The development of a basketball team was mentioned.

The following points were raised:

·      HCA is happy to work with the DHRA for such project and has developed relationships with such agencies including the Huddle at North Melbourne and soon, the YMCA.

·      The RMIT basketball courts or YMCA (Bungle?)facility could be options for a venue

·      Barney indicated that it is worth applying for a community grant for such projects.

·      Jamie indicated HCA would be happy to work with the DHRA for grant applications.


·        Russ to organise a time with DHRA for residents of the Drill Hall to view facilities of the Central City Community Health Service.

4.   Therry Street, Street Party

Maria informed the committee that the party would not go ahead as they did not get funding required.

5.   DHRA Community Night

Martin indicated the DHRA was looking at having a community night for people and organisations based in the Drill Hall precinct. All parties indicated this was a good idea and all supported the proposal.

3. Meeting Operations

  • All parties agreed in favour of the DHRA to organise and chair meetings.
  • All parties agreed in favour of HCA taking minutes.
  • It was agreed that meeting should be held every six weeks.


Drill Hall Residents Association Minutes of the inaugural general meeting

Drill Hall Residents Association Minutes of the general meeting held on February 4th, 2013
Green Room, Multicultural Hub, 30 Therry Street, Melbourne

Residents: 12*
Observers/Guests: Olga Mazel from Doutta Galla, Jamie Hutchinson from Housing Choices Australia Apologies: 10 residents*

*Note: for privacy reasons, the names of residents who attended meetings are only included in minutes if they have given permission.

1. Welcome and Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners

Martin Mulvihill opened the meeting at 7.10pm, welcomed attendees, and acknowledged the traditional owners of the land. Martin also acknowledged and thanked Neil from the 5th floor, who could not be present, but who was the initial instigator of the idea of forming a Drill Hall Residents Association.

2. Formation of the Association

It was moved that a Drill Hall Residents Association (DHRA) be formed.

3. Election of Office Bearers

It was moved that Martin Mulvihill assume the role of President. It was moved that Mark Brown assume the role of Secretary.

4. Planning meetings



It was moved that in addition to general meetings of the DHRA, planning meetings be held, comprising the President, Secretary, and any other resident who wishes to attend. These meetings will focus on implementation of the decisions of the general meetings, and preparation for future general meetings.


5. Association Aims

It was moved that the association adopt the following aims:

● to support resident participation and partnership on issues of common concern.

● to encourage social activities.

● to work in local partnership with Housing Choices Australia (HCA) to improve general outcomes for all residents.


6. Presentation from Doutta Galla Representative

Olga Mazel from Doutta Galla addressed the meeting and provided information about the services provided by Doutta Galla, next door, on the ground floor. Residents are all welcome to make an appointment to access these services, which include a GP, psychologist, podiatry, optometry, dietetics, legal services, and social activities. Call 9677 0800.

7. Presentation from Housing Choices Representative

Jamie Hutchinson from HCA addressed the meeting and explained his role as HCA’s Community Development Worker. Jamie expressed HCA’s support for its local partnership DHRA and will act as a liason between DHRA and HCA. He drew attention to HCA’s separate advisory committee which residents are also welcome to join. Jamie discussed HCA possibly funding a BBQ for residents per year, which received enthusiastic endorsement from the meeting

8. Resident Concerns and Ideas

8.1 Security. A number of residents expressed deep concern about safety and security at the Drill Hall. It was suggested that changes to the setup of the automatic doors in the lobby area and elevators might help reduce the chance of unauthorised people accessing the building. Concern was also expressed about the hazard of objects dropping from balconies onto people below.

It was moved that:

A) Jamie Hutchinson be asked to raise this issue with his colleagues and investigate options.

B) That the issue be referred to the next planning meeting to make recommendations to the next general meeting.


8.2 Notice board and comments/suggestion box. It was suggested that HCA might install notice boards (e.g., for notices of activities, services, etc). It was also suggested that drop boxes be installed in the lobby as one way for residents to easily communicate with HCA and DHRA. It was moved that Jamie Hutchinson be asked to put these ideas to HCA.


8.3 Gardening. It was proposed that residents may wish to partake in gardening activities in The Triangle (the outdoor area on the intersection of Therry and Victoria streets). Jamie Hutchinson is investigating with Melbourne City Council.

8.4. Newsletter. The idea of a newsletter was referred to the next planning meeting. 9. Next Meeting

All residents will be individually invited to the next general and planning meeting. Dates and location to be determined.

Contact the DHRA with ideas, concerns, and questions

Email: Phone: 9013 3742